Lost – “Born to Run”


In which we first me Arzt.


“Ah fuck. It’s a Kate episode.” That was my reaction after seeing the episode’s title and hitting play to see Kate with blonde hair. Granted, this episode is one of the better episodes of Kate’s as far as flashbacks go, but guess what the theme of the episode is – Kate running from shit, like always. On the island, she is attempting to find a way onto the raft to get off of Craphole Island and in her flashback, she has been running and has run home to Iowa to rekindle the flame with her old boyfriend Tom and her visit her mother as she is dying. Guess what we learned of Kate’s aspirations as a girl in 1989? She wanted to run. Pretty interesting life, huh?


The story on the island is dragging a bit, based upon this episode and yesterday’s. Dr. Arzt shares with everyone that the trade winds are about to change direction and head south rather than north, which isn’t ideal when you’re in the South Pacific. There are three interesting moments in the episode. The first of which is the sheer terror Sayid expresses when Jack asks how they are going to open the Hatch. He thought Jack would tell Locke what a horrible idea it would be to open it, only to learn that Jack is as curious as Locke. The second is Walt’s bizarre reaction after Locke grabs his arm and Walt tells him that he “can’t open that thing.” We still do not really know the parameters of what makes Walt special, but this must be one of the things he can do, some sort of telepathy/energy reading/mind reading type of thing, since Walt has not seen or heard of the Hatch to our knowledge. The third is the end of the episode when Sun is talking to Kate about her interaction with Jack and how he knows that Sun was the one to poison Jin. Kate is worried that he knows she was the one to think of the plan, but Sun assures him that she didn’t tell Jack it was Kate’s idea. The most intriguing part was the fact that Sun thinks Kate was being selfless when in reality she was being entirely selfish because she wanted to take Jin’s spot after he got sick to get off the island. Once again, we have people telling half-truths and partial lies, which is starting to crumble the relationships of many of the survivors.


*”Don’t give me the ‘aw, golly’ eyes.”

*”How am I supposed to keep straight who knows what around here?!”

*”There ain’t anything on this island worth staying for.”


Filed under Television

2 responses to “Lost – “Born to Run”

  1. Pete

    Love the pic change.

    Yeah, Walt was the most interesting, but aside from that, I do find it interesting that each character randomly turns into the bastard/bitch they were off the island, on the island. Guess it was Kate’s turn this week with being selfish.

    You have to assume Walt saw something. Really no other option. At the end of the episode when he tells michael they have to leave, that’s when you know for sure the touch meant something. Before we can just assume he heard rumors somehow, but that interaction convinced me.

    • I changed a few of the pictures around and am considering ideas for a new blog header.

      The plot contrivances are more heavy handed in season one than the others, as they always attempt to parallel on island and flashback stuff. At the same time, it led to a lot of dissonance in season two. Started getting it right in season three, just in time for it to change.

      Something sparked with the touch, just have no idea what it actually was. I feel like it had to have been a vision, but would have liked to have explicitly known. But, something is definitely up with that kid.

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